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We order and track thousands of exclusive discounts, cashback and comparison offers so you can access them all at the click of a button. Our members area gives you instant access to all your Savings tracking and offers, don’t delay, say deal on your Saving’s journey today!

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The Deal Club

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The Deal Club is an online platform that helps you stream all of your shopping and comparison needs. We have every angle covered from all the best retailers and all your purchases, cashback earned and due are all stored in your members area. Here’s just a few genres our members are enjoying huge savings and top cashback offers on right now.

Joining The Deal Club is quick and easy!

For a single price, we help our members save hundreds of pounds every month
for their everyday online purchases. Hit play on your savings today!
The Deal Club

Signing up is simple

Signing up to start saving for just £29.95 a month is easy. Simply complete our quick form and you will be a registered saver immediately.

The Deal Club

Signing up is simple

Signing up to start saving for just £29.95 a month is easy. Simply complete our quick form and you will be a registered saver immediately.

The Deal Club

Signing up is simple

Signing up to start saving for just £29.95 a month is easy. Simply complete our quick form and you will be a registered saver immediately.

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One simple price to save you £1000's

We've made our pricing as low & as simple as possible. No multiple prices where you receive less benefit, just one low monthly price for 100% of the offers we work hard to add


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